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General Email for ANY Questions:





Stephanie Saboor Grieving Parents Act - For a spontaneous fetal demise occurring after a gestation period of less than 20 completed weeks, the mother must be notified of her option to arrange for the burial or cremation of the fetal remains. 


The Catholic Therapists Network - A listing of therapists who have obtained Diocese-approved training about the theology, traditions, and values of the Catholic faith. 


Contact: Colleen Sutter,, â€­(904) 472-7889‬



SUPPORT FOR FOSTERING AND ADOPTION - A comprehensive website providing information about fostering and ways that you can support families that foster.


If you and your spouse are asking yourselves any of the following questions, contact Cailin Smith,, (904) 536-3086.


  • Is This Right for My Family?

  • How can I support friends who are fostering?

  • What kind of effect will fostering have on my family?


If you and your family have experienced one or more failed adoptions and are looking for answers and support, contact Jennifer Gibson,, (904) 536-2900.





Natural Family Planning is an umbrella term for certain methods used to achieve and avoid pregnancies. These methods are based on observation of the naturally occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile phases of a woman’s menstrual cycle.


There are different NFP methods available. The Diocesan website provides contacts for local instructors.


Church Teachings on Marriage and Openness to Life:


Catechism of the Catholic Church - 6th Commandment


Saint Pope John Paul II - Encyclical Letter: Humanae Vitae


Resource for Love, Chastity, Marriage and Children:


What A Woman Should Know About Birth Control





Hannah's Heart is a local Catholic Infertility Support Group that provides a detailed list of local Fertility Care Practitioners and local physicians familiar with NaPro TECHNOLOGY


NaProTECHNOLOGY (Natural Procreative Technology) is a new women's health science that monitors and maintains a woman's reproductive and gynecological health. It provides medical and surgical treatments that cooperate completely with the reproductive system. (credit:





Rachel's Vineyard is a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion. 



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